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Thursday, October 18, 2007

Bear hunting news!

Well: I am getting down to writing the blogs that I should have written a while ago, but the drive was not there, and we were busy through out the day and night with the bear hunt. The hunt on the average went as I expected with some VERY nice sized animals taken. I think that the average size was up from past years. This can be attributed to hunters being very selective of the animals before they take their shot, and also the feed conditions this past summer. The FANTASTIC blueberry crop helped the animals build the fat that they need for the winter, but as I have found in the 30 odd years of doing this, it makes them very skiddish when it comes to hitting the bait. If there is a smell or a sound that they don't like or are curious about, they will quite often not hit the bait until after dark. In years that the main source of food, being blueberries, is poor they tend to be a little less cautious and are more willing to hit the bait during shooting hours, as their metabolism needs nourishment. I used a few trail cameras and found this to be the case.

I am posting a couple of pictures that we have and as of this writng we are waitng for a few more hunters to send us the promised pictures.

We are presently setting up our fall web site changes and one of the new additions will be a page devoted to hunts only, and we hope you visit it. If we have not posted you picture from a recent hunt, e-mail it to us and we can have it up in no time. Please visit to see the upcoming changes.
On to the next Blog MOOSE!

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