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Friday, May 16, 2014

Walleye fishing will have to wait

Yep - for sure.  Opening day of fishing season tomorrow, and all is quiet.  Sure glad we postponed our opening week guests for later dates.   We finally had some sunny (although not warm) weather the last couple of days, and we were taking advantage of the break to get started on getting the grounds cleared, and some of the cottages cleaned.    Sounds like everybody in the mid-west is experiencing cold weather too, so we're not alone. 

Rainbow Fleet waiting for ice out.

May 16th view of Perrault Lake

Sheets of ice around the docks are at least 6 inches thick, so out on the main body of Perrault Lake, we're sure it's more than that.  At least there's enough open water spots for the ducks, loons & herons to find places to hang out now.  Slowly but surely spring is coming. 

We'll keep you posted…. anticipating "maybe" a mid week ice out IF the weather co-operates. 
Sunset over an icy Perrault Lake

Bye for now!

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