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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Winter is on it's way out-----SLOWLY!!!!

Amanda releases her Grouper with her Dad

Everyone:  Hi again from our winter hideaway. We are daily reading the weather reports from the middle of the country, and boy what a winter everyone up north is having after the last few milder ones! We are also talking to Shorty and Fran, who are looking after our house at the Lodge while we are gone, and I am certainly not in Shorty's good book this year.  We are having a heavy snowfall at the Lodge and the temps have been quite a bit on the COLD side. (-30's normal).  The lake conditions are not very good for getting around on snowmachine, as there was so much heavy snow early before the ice was thick enough, the slush conditions are keeping people from enjoying ice fishing as much as they should this year.   When we say cold at the Lodge we do not factor in the wind chill as this would give most people a heart attack but you just deal with it. Did I say deal with it?   No... not this year.  We are really enjoying the time we are spending in the Florida Keys and are making the most of it by fishing and enjoying the outdoors. We don't get to do very much fishing during the summer as we are so busy taking care of business, so this is a real treat for both of us.   I am posting few of the fishing pictures that I have from last week when our older daughter Amanda, and my brother John came for a week visit.  Having trouble getting the photos to post, to this is all I can get into this issue.  I know many of you have been asking, but we'll try again later and see if we can get it to work! 

Spanish Mackerel caught by Bob's brother John

You might enjoy this little video of dolphin in the bay near our rental place though.  We watched these guys who must have been fishing themselves, for quite awhile.

Gale and I are looking forward to the spring and getting to all the projects that we have planned. We find that being away from the Lodge and our home for a while makes you appreciate it all that much more when you get back. It also makes us understand why people like yourself want to make Rainbow Point Lodge part of your vacation plans.

We have some prime fishing spots left during the last couple weeks of May.  Opening day is May 21st this year, so if you have a chance to slip up to the lodge for a few days or a week, give us a shout and we'll see what we can do to accommodate your schedules. If you've never tried early season fishing, you really should just once -- you'll be hooked!

We are having a few of the same employees back that we had last year and one new one of mention, our Daughter Karla. She is coming back for the summer ,from her travels to Ireland, to work for us before she goes back to College for two more years. This will add to her culinary arts degree she got a couple of years ago.  We are all looking forward to having her around for the summer and a little closer to home once again.  She missed camp life a lot, and looks forward to seeing everyone again!

Bob, Amanda and Gale together for a vacation

Well that's all for now but keep checking in with our Blog as you never know when we will have some news for you. I hope you don't mind the warm weather pictures, as I am not trying to rub it in, but I just don't miss snow shovelling & cold back home this year - the feeling guilty stuff just didn't stick around with me!!
Take Care and will talk to you soon.


Thursday, February 03, 2011

Back From the Green Bay Sport Show!!

Back from Sport Show in Green Bay!!!! Gale and I flew up to Green Bay for the weekend and want to thank all of you for coming out to the show. We had a great time visiting with all of our guests and friends there, and met many new people who will be making a trip up to the Lodge next summer. We did a show special for selected spring opening weeks and will be running that until the 15th of Feb online. To view it just go to our website and sign up for the web only news letter. We will be posting the special in a couple of days and sending an email out to those who sign up at that time.

Yesterday when we flew out of Green Bay our plane was delayed for de-icing. The good side to the delay is that it gave us the rare opportunity to see the Packers. We watched a semi truck loading their gear, and they the 4 large buses and their police escort etc. pull up to the plane and board. The only way to see it was from the secure area prior to boarding. There were about 50 other passengers waiting there, all with cell cameras going!
I know my Bears and Vikings etc. fans probably will kill me but I think the Packers stand a real good chance and I wish them well.

I do not want to jinx my self but we are seeing a slight increase in the number of guests booking this summer at this time, and I sure hope it is a sign of the economy turning around for all of us.

Will be posting some pictures of our southern winter fishing adventures for you to see in the near future as the ice fishing ones are hard to come by unless there is a glass involved!!!!! This weather is sure making us think of Spring and Summer fishing!

Talk to you soon and hope the storm going through the centre of the country is easy on you this time.