I sure want to thank all my hunters this year and look forward to seeing you again in the future for another hunt or even a fishing trip.
The fishing has been a bit funny lately with respect to the locations they are being caught at this time of year. We are finding that the walleyes will be active one day in 25-30 feet and the next day someone will come in and say they were biting well in 10ft. Go figure! The musky are really becoming agressive and many 45+ inch fish have been caught and released. (waiting for pictures from the fishermen!!). Bass and perch have also been quite easily caught in large numbers.
We are presently waiting for the fall grouse hunt that starts tomorrow. This is a great time of year as the leaves are changing and the colours are beautiful. You can combine great fishing with leasurely walks in the bush for birds and small game. Totally relaxing!
Today the temperature is going to be close to 80F. and I may even turn on the air conditioning as it hasn't run much this year. We are having nicer temps. etc. now, than we had for most of the summer.
"Enough Complaining" about the weather and the economy etc. and lets look forward to the winter and the ALL new season next year. I am going to try and look at the positive side of the future, as I tend to be a bit of a pessimist looking forward but what do I know? We are going to announce our fall-spring promotional travel schedule soon and also finalize our printed and internet advertizing. We will continue to try and keep Rainbow Point Lodge at the top of your list of vacation plans and hope that you will continue to return year after year. Make sure you look at our web page regularily @ http://www.rainbowpoint.com/ for the current packages and rates and be sure to read the customer testimonials and also look at our photo page as it changes quite often. If you have pictures that you would like to send us from this year or years past e-mail or send them to us and we will post them on the web.
We are going to be running our Fall Archery Moose hunt next week and I will do another blog after that to bring you up to date.